Volunteers are one-sided experiences?


 I took part in volunteer projects twice in Philippine and America. For me, that were nice experiences and felt my own growth. But I thought that it was just for my benefit and one-sided experiences. So, today I would like to write about the volunteer problems between volunteers and companies.f:id:MihoYamaki:20200104090116j:image

 If you hear the word ”volunteer” , you will think it’s nice for people. But I thought that someone do volunteer for their-satisfaction. It means someone feels I’m such a nice person because no money will be paid.

 Of course, if it’s volunteer’s satisfaction, they give a benefit to the companies, It’s really good.

 Also, I found news which said ‘’ A Japanese company has done volunteer work for forest conservation, but they trampled down plants and it caused more burden to the forest.

 People usually think volunteer work is good, but it sometimes isn’t.

 I think it’s really important to think what companies ask us.

